Example Pages

Event Registration Page

Get those lovely folks signed up for your launch event!! This form links up to 8 of the top email marketing campaign softwares out the box, and to many others using Zapier and then sends them to your “next steps” confirmation page.

Event Confirmation Page

Your confirmation page is the page after your registration and gives your audience the next steps for your event. This is your chance to get them super-excited and to make sure they know what they need to do next.

Sales Page

A killer sales page to promote your irresistible offer! If you don’t have to time to create one, don’t worry about this page for this particular launch… use a standalone Thrivecart checkout page instead. You can add this layer in next time.

EarlyBird Page

This page is what you’ll use as your “placeholder” link for your links on your Signpost Schedule. It means you can have you schedule made long in advance and use this page before your video pages go live.

Livestream Page

If you are using an embedded livestream video to run your workshops you can use this page to host them! These also serve as “replay pages” once the live calls are done.

Event Links Page

Want a simple page to keep all your event links in one place? We’ve got you covered! Everything will made much simpler for your audience with this page. Where’s the lives? LINKS PAGE! Where’s the replays? LINKS PAGE! I lost my schedule! LINKS PAGE! You get the idea

Contest Page

We provide our audience with a page during the launch to all the ways they can enter the contest. Our contests are always fairly simple so that its easier to manage.