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Discover the most amazing solution to your biggest challenge

…even if you’ve never had any success before.

We’ll show you the easier way to achieve your goal!

This is where your subheadlines go

We love our way of doing things because it gives you far more time freedom.

Go deeper on why your way of doing things is so incredible. Don’t put more than a couple of paragraphs here. It’s just to position the power of what you do!

For us… we say “launches = More profit, impact, freedom and joy.”

Subheadlines tell the story as people scroll through

We’re taught “Hard work = Success” – demolishing the biggest misconception people have about success.

Here is where I share a little about my story, how I discovered what I do and what changed for me when I made that discovery.

My mission is to teach you our way of doing things (creating launch experiences) and to show you how to launch with more fun and with more ease.

Launches gave me freedom and they can for you too.

Why we love what we do…

More sales and bigger profits

Selling without sleaze

Creates time freedom

More time serving

Aligned with your values

More return on effort

Creates time freedom

New revenue streams

Things have changed over the years

Launches have had to evolve

Here is where I go a little deeper on why the old way of doing things is dead, what changed and why it had to. This is a totally optional section but its great to have if you have a unique way of doing things that goes against the grain.

The LME is our unique way of launching.

People often struggle with launches before they follow our methods

“must do all the things”

In this section we talk about where people get stuck with the old way of doing things…

On the frontend you see ALL the things that you think you’re supposed to be doing…

You end up creating a never-ending to-do list of things that aren’t going to have any real impact.

Spending your time tweaking, tinkering and battling tech instead of focusing on the real needle-movers.

Obsessing over Canva banners and fancy presentation slides, or which colour button works best.

Trying to fit your unique personality into a launch framework that doesn’t allow you to shine as the person you were really born to be.

And spending so much time faffing around with tech that you leave no room for audience building, so you throw some money into ads and hope for the best.

Resulting in crickets when you share your offer, exhaustion and “I hate launches”.

Let us show you the easier way

Let’s Launch Together is a unique program taking you through our Launch Experience Method™ in 12 weeks.

Zero to launched with a stage-by-stage plan – here we sell the big benefits!

We know what it takes to have launch success so we teach you how to implement the right strategies at the right time, and we keep you focused at each stage. Our program takes you from building an audience to hosting your very own launch experience, then we show you how to convert leads into sales and beyond into your launch debrief. We show you what works best at each stage and the right strategies for you, your market and your offer.

It’s not a course – it’s a coaching-led experience

The reason we only do this program twice a year is because it is a coaching-led experience! With all the moving parts of a launch you will need support and feedback throughout and our students get better results when we’re on the journey with them.

This isn’t a course with thousands of students where you get no access to individual support – we’re there every step of the way guiding you through. In fact, you’ll feel like you have us on your team.

By the end of our time together you’re going to say “I love to launch!”.

We’ve thought of everything

Big benefit 1 + Big benefit 2 + Support

12-week Launch Plan

You’re going to get an easy to follow launch plan with a day by day, week by week plan of what you need to create, when to create it and how to move through the 6 stages of the launch with more ease. We teach you our method of launching – The Launch Experience™ Method and you’re going to be taken through how to plan, create and host it.

Daily Coaching during key weeks

Our aim with the program is that you will launch in week 2/3 of May, so during that time we host daily coaching calls to help you keep up your energy, address challenges and make tweaks. Launches can be unpredictable so these calls help you maximise your launch success. It’s like having a launch wing-woman by your side the whole time!

Weekly coaching & recordings

Every week on a Wednesday evening UK time you can join a live group coaching call with Laura. The live coaching calls are there to help you go deeper on the training and to answer all your individual questions so you are making huge leaps forward every week. This is your chance to get work reviewed and challenges solved fast!

There’s a special bonus if you join in the next 24 hours!

Join in the first 24 hours and get an extra bonus!

Jasmine Star class – exclusively for LLT students!

MASTERCLASS BONUS: Promote your launch using Instagram

Jasmine is celebrating her BEST LAUNCH EVER under Laura’s guidance last month and we’re thrilled to announce that she will be hosting a very special masterclass for all those who enrol in Let’s Launch Together!

And we’ve sweetened the deal some more

You also get these amazing bonuses worth £497 free

Mission: Cashflow Training

Need to boost your income before you launch? You’re not alone! Many of our students are in the same boat so we include a special bonus to help you create revenue in advance of your launch.

Full of mindset tips, profit-planning and profit-boosting strategies and lots of promotional ideas – this bonus is designed to help you bring in the moolah in our signature “fun and easy” way.

Value – £497

When you pay in full there are extra bonuses…

Valued at £1191, yours free when you enrol now

2020 Success Trainings

When you pay in full you get our training on how to map out your best year ever. This is the method that Laura uses every year in Love To Launch to get crystal clear on the company vision, map out 2020 and create a solid promotional calendar.

Valued at £697

Podcast version of the program

For all you podcast fans, we’ve created a very special podcast version of the Let’s Launch Together program! We created this podcast version to work like a normal podcast on your own podcast software – meaning that you can listen to the course when convenient to you.

Valued at £497

Search inside our videos

Imagine being able to not only search through the course, but being able to search for keywords INSIDE the video and with the touch of a button go straight to the part of the video where that keyword is mentioned!

Valued at £497

Our success stories are incredible

“Thanks to Laura’s guidance – we had our best launch ever and I finally love launches!”

When I joined Launch and Thrive, I had never monetised before but decided to do an Instagram launch – I was amazed that I sold 200 writing guides in just 3 weeks. Realising my audience were still hungry for more, and finding myself now with a beautiful community, I followed Laura’s “Beta Launch Plan” to sell a course and made $7,000 in sales. I thought only 3 people would sign up, I wasn’t expecting 15!

Mrs Smith, Portsmouth – Founder of Amazing Company

Is the program right for you?

Let’s Launch Together is a good fit if…

You have an offer you want to launch and you want to launch it in May after Easter.

You are coachable and have an attitude of “I’m going to try brave new things”.

You’re sick of online courses – this is not a course, its a coaching program.

Let’s Launch Together is not a good fit if…

You want someone to implement everything for you, you’re better off hiring a team to do that for you.

You want instant results – I’m not a get rich quick coach. Building a business takes patience and consistency, and it doesn’t happen overnight.

You don’t fully believe in your product / service. Integrity is key in what we do round here, and if you’re not sure your product or service will even deliver results – you shouldn’t be selling it.

Not sure if it’s right for you? Ask before you join…

You can get started today for just £247…

3 x £247

3 monthly payments of £247

Your investment includes all of these benefits:
  • 12 weeks of expert coaching
  • 10 modules of easy-to-follow training
  • Supportive community
  • Accountability sessions
  • Beautiful members website
  • Resources and swipes library
  • Program mentor
Plus, you get these bonuses free valued at £997…
  • Amazing bonus 1
  • Amazing bonus 2
  • Amazing bonus 3

Or pay in full save £x and get extra bonuses

Here’s what other lovely people say


Laura not only has the tactical skills to get results but can deliver strategies anyone can use over again.

— Todd Herman, Entrepreneur, investor and creator of the 90 Day Year.


Laura drops some of the most epic knowledge-bombs about launches. I’m so grateful for her contributions.

— Ryan Levesque, best selling author of “Ask” and founder of the Ask Method


What are the program dates?

The program begins on February 17th. You’ll be aiming to launch in the 2nd week in May, and we take a 2 week break in April for Easter.

What is your refund policy?

You have 7 days to decide if the program is right for you and can contact us for a full refund. After 7 days, no refunds are allowed.

Will I get any 1 to 1 time with Laura?

Only VIP’s get a private coaching call twice a month, but the coaches are extremeley active in the community. You’ll always feel like you’re getting personal support unlike other online programs where you’re left to learn on your own. Members also get access to discounted live event tickets throughout the year.

How do I know if a launch is right for my product?

Launches are amazing for most products, especially online services like courses, programs, events, memberships and digital products but sometimes there are products that aren’t a good fit e.g an ecommerce store. If you aren’t sure, drop us an email and we can have a chat first.

I don’t have any marketing experience and / or I hate tech – is this right for me?

Many of our students say they “hate launches” before they start working with us – but the thing we always focus on is simplicity because it you’re stressed, your launch won’t feel as fun = not a great launch. We’ve turned tech-hating, marketing newbies into launch lovers and we can’t wait to show just how easy it can be. You’ll be coached through it all with easy-to-follow training and lots of support in the community too.

How much money do I need to invest in my launches?

Many of the early launch styles don’t need any investment because you can use organic traffic. Our approach is to scale your launches over time by investing more profit in line with your growth. Many of the tools we recommend are free or low-cost because we’d rather you invest money in the right places – like building your audience. Investing in ads will give you speed of growth but because we focus on high conversions many students have amazing results with small ad budgets.

Will I really be able to launch in 12 weeks?

Yes! Absolutely! Many of our students have actually launched in a lot less time than that, but we have built a 12 week launch plan so that it doesn’t overwhelm you. If you’re prepared to put in the hard work, be brave and stay focused then there is no reason why you can’t successfully launch during the live program.

Got more questions?

Please enter your question here and one of the team will get back to you within usually 6 hours in normal office hours.

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