Fast action bonus ends soon..

S.P.A. is currently unavailable for registration. If you’d like to hear about next time we’re opening the SPA doors please add your email below to be put on the waitlist. Thanks!

Grow & flow in doing fluid art as well as the art of creating your life

…without all the pressure to do it perfectly.

Let the SPA be your place to do both with more color-full joy and creative freedom!

Because isn’t it time to let things flow more easily?

I love fluid art because it schools you in how to have more freedom in not only creativity but also in living.

For so long, being a creative, artsy, and even as an ambitious creative, has had some sucky stigmas. Expectations like . . .  you’re born with talent or not, starving because of it, or pressured to perform and be perfect at it, so much so that it sucks the life out of your desires and dreams.

Creating your reality is another message we hear a lot. And no doubt life, let alone creating one, is just messy stuff, right?!

So how about embracing the mess rather than trying to control it?

I’ve learned first hand, albeit paint covered ones, that in doing messy art I learned to love the mess. I knew my resiliency was restored. That the ‘mess ‘wasn’t the problem. My perfectionism and expectations were.

For us who want to be in mad love with your wilder, creative soul, even if you ‘F’ up a lot while going for those big a88 aspirations . . . I say “lose control to find your soul.”

True creativity means staying present in both the ebbs & the flow

We’re taught that “hard work = success” – that “creativity is for hobbies and for those who have the luxury of time”.

I used to believe this too. Until everything I had planned and worked towards, years in the making, flipped and ‘failed’,  unexpectedly and abruptly. My son and I were houseless, a big dream grounded, and I hit a bottom I honestly wasn’t sure I’d bounce back from.

My drive for success and ‘creating my reality’ poured out of me like a my soul had become a sieve.

From some strange impulse I turned to this thing called fluid art. I needed to intentionally lose control and soothe my depleted nervous system by surround myself with color, flow, and, if I was something of unexpected beauty.

I had to make the time for myself to create because not doing so would have left me utterly emptier than I was already feeling.

Doing fluid art deeply healed me and returned me to my childhood dream of being a full time artist and helping others thru the magic of creativity. When I had no idea how to recreate myself, yet again, it recreated me to my true self.

My mission now is to help you learn fluid art and guide you to having an unstoppable creative mindset to find your flow, release perfectionism, and learn how to resiliently create art PLUS your unique creation of your days and life with more fun, freedom, and F’n amazing self love and ease.

Plus make some, quite literally, flippin’ stunning art!

We’re all about the F’s in Soul Pours Academy; flow, freedom, fun, phenomenal art (so not an F 😂) and making friends with fears and failure.

Fluid art gave me freedom and joy again on so many levels and it can for you too.

A Sampling of what Soul Pours Academy LIVE can offer you…

Fluid Art Techniques & Live Classes

Support in your artventure

Monthly creativity gatherings so that you stay in the flow

Coaching to keep you going for it in your art and dreams

Soul Circle gatherings to cast and conjure your monthly manifesting intentions

A growing community of creatives and dream builders

So much has changed in the world and our expectations around what’s important these last few intense years

We’ve had to evolve by getting more involved with our own hearts and hopes for ourselves and others

As people of the planet, we’ve learned more about what’s in our control and what isn’t the last few years. And how one person can make an impact. How short and sweet and fragile so much of it is. How we are creators of what we want. How our choices and self awareness makes all the difference in a brave new world.

Making art and creativity has become ever more important in our challenged world and society. It’s always been a way we’ve expressed ourselves, thru good times and bad. Because it’s a sound teacher and muse. The creative process has always reminded us to believe in what’s possible instead of what’s problematic.

At the SPA we’re all about where creativity, self care, & conscious change come together.

People often struggle with creativity

“I just want to make some nice art”

If you’re wanting to learn tons of fluid art techniques? Fabulous, we’ll do that too …

Every month we’ll focus on a new one and variations so we’ve got those basics covered…

But we both know there’s more to creativity than making something pretty or an innovative idea.

And so often we think it’s got to be hard. It’s got to take so much time. And it’s got to be perfect.

But, if we’re being honest, what really freaks us out is trying something new. Being out of our comfort zone. F’n up with something so simple as just being creative. It’s minimized in our go getter, hustle hard world.

Especially in fluid art. Some call it the ‘unart’, “not worthy of a gallery”, and “cheaters art”.

Yes, those are actual things people have directly said. Pouring paint just isn’t “sophisticated enough”. Even a kid could do it.

In a world where results matters more than experience it’s no wonder some think it’s got to be hard to be good enough.

Let us show you a way to flow & grow what makes you come alive

Introducing . . . Soul Pours Academy, or the SPA,  a unique membership unlike any other that, like fluid art, makes a one of a kind combo by  helping you in . . .

♠ making art & making inspired change in your life

♥ fluid art & flow state practices

♣ magick and energy care resources

♦ practical & powerful personal as well as professional growth

∞ We’ll also be focusing on financial flow as life and livelihood creatives ∞


Yeah, it’s ALL THAT to support you in being ALL IN!

You won’t have to ‘make time’ to be creative because it’s already made for you.

It’s got to be the biggest excuse out there. Which is funny since none of us can literally make time. But we can make time for ourselves. At the SPA your opportunities to be creative with be abundant!

To create on purpose. To take some risks in play and possibilities. To let go of some control in a safe place.

That’s why it magically spelled SPA – because its time for you to take care of yourself thru enriching experiences and classes that help restore and return you to someone who knows she/they/he doesn’t need to be perfect to make something beautiful.

It’s not just a creativity club – it’s an artist & coaching-led experience.

The reason this is a membership is to allow you variety along with value. Since it’s a live experience it offers real time connection with options for more personable guidance.

Because true creativity is about operating from a place of “MAY BE’ and newness along with choices that empower you to grow and learn to flow.

This isn’t a course with thousands of students where you get no access to individual support – Michelle, guest teachers and artists, and her team are there every month to guide you through what’s offered. In fact, you’ll feel like we’re on your side to create more of what makes you come alive. Because we will be.

At some point in our time together you’re going to exclaim “I love to let go of control and flow baby!”.

We’re making a gathering place like no other, where permission to F up is already granted so that you can succeed rather than shrink

Live instruction + Monthly Inspiration + Support

Live classes & new events every month

You’re going to get easy to follow live classes on new techniques and monthly focus. That way you’ll have plenty of time to learn and practice with support and Q & A time. We’ll have a variety of experiences and themes to show up for to keep things flowing and your curiosity, as well as your convenience, met😉

Live coaching & empowerment circles

Our aim with the club is to support you in reclaiming, expanding, and optimizing your creative muscle, mindset, and discovering your unique magic. Which requires some deep diving and transformational work, doesn’t it? With Michelle’s decades of experience, along with legit awareness practices, you’ll be supported to care for your creativity and self more.

Weekly gatherings for support & fun!

A few times per month you can join a live gathering for Paint Pour Parties, featured guests, and more fun tucked up our Soul Pouring sleeves! The live calls and groups are there to help you go deeper on the themes and techniques of the month, as well as fun ways to connect and share your art and ideas. Who knows what lovely new friends await for you!

There’s a special bonus if you join by SPA opening day!

Join by the grande opening to receive a extra special price for a private class & coaching session with Michelle as an extra bonus!

Have a 1 to 1 fluid art class & coaching with Michelle

BONUS: a 2 hr. paint pouring and personal coaching session for the special price of $100 (limited spots available)

SPA LIVE will have many chances to work together. But if you’re totally new to fluid art and want some extra support, or maybe want to work on some confidence or blocks if you’re stuck in your art, then a private coaching and energy work session with Michelle will help you get back into your own flavor of flow again!

And we’ve sweetened the SPA kick off even more!

You also get these amazing bonus classes free

Keep it Green in your Fluid Art Practice

Naw, this isn’t about  Jenkins Green or Chartreuse, but it is about reusing what you can and protecting our mamma earth while doing fluid art.

With a comprehensive video training and 20+ tips and ideas to be eco friendly when working in acrylic paints, this mini training will help your thumb stay green as you creating gorgeous art.

Value – $49

Let’s Bloom Baby!

This beginners training will help you get a start in a more advanced technique called making blooms.

With a filmed class, simplified instructions, plus a PDF booklet of a few ingredient options and pictures, you’ll be able to get what you need and learn how to mix, set up your layers, and blow correctly from the get go.

Value – $49

Studio on the Go

You can easily take your pouring practice and art making on the road with you. In this mini training Michell helps you think ‘in the box’ to be able to pack up and set up your supplies and space in an easy and convenient way.

Value – $29

Our success stories are incredible

“Working with Michelle and soul pouring was magical!”

As a creative and coach myself I was blessed to receive so many new and inspiring ideas and ways that I could help my clientele just while paint pouring. I felt so free!

— Linda Bard, Entrepreneur, Executive Muse & Intuitive Confidante & IIHA Hand Analyst @ Find your Creative Voice

Is the SPA correct for you?

The SPA is a good fit if . . .

You’ve been super curious about this fluid art thing and ready to give it a go.

You are coachable and have an attitude of “I’m going to try brave new things”.

You’re well aware that making art is so much deeper a teacher than techniques and outcomes.

You’re craving newness, even in your deeply felt feelings, and you’re ready to love yourself up more thru courageous, creative, and self caring ways of self expression.

You’re wanting to explore new ways to create, work, and make money in your life

You’re open to and wanting more self care practices in energy healing, magick, and creative manifestation.

The SPA is not a good fit if…

You think fluid art is not real art. Because at the SPA it’s less about what you do and more about who you become by doing it. Plus, self appointed art critics aren’t invited 😉.

You want instant results – Michelle isn’t a ‘perfect it’ or ‘get rich quick’ kind of guide or coach. Change and creativity are processes, not products. Timing is it’s own teacher and practice doesn’t make perfect. It makes, as you’ll hear Michelle say a lot, possible

You don’t fully believe that creativity is essential and that self knowing changes the world. Integrity is key in what we do round here.

If you’re more into judging or being an art critic than generosity of spirit than this isn’t your kind of club.

You’re snooping for ‘creative’ spots to market yourself and your business. Watch out. Michelle’s protective of her clans and can cast spells, just sayin’.

Not sure if it’s right for you? Ask before you join…

You can get the SPA doors opening special today for just $44 a month…

$44 per month

Monthly payments

Your membership includes all of these benefits:
  • monthly techniques & art classes
  • monthly personal growth themes
  • monthly coaching topic & focus
  • monthly get togethers for fun & inspiration
  • Access to Michelle’s newest signature system The F’n Magickal System for Creating Changes
  • Energy care & mindset techniques
  • Guest teachers
  • Private Facebook group for community connections
  • Member discounts for private sessions with Michelle
  • and more because, hey, it’s yet to be created!😉
Plus, you get these bonuses free valued at $350…
  • Keep it Green in your Paint Pouring Practice Training
  • Let’s Bloom Baby Instructions and Supplies Guidance
  • Studio on the Go – Get it in the Box Challenge

Plus, if you act fast, the special price for a private session with Michelle, spots are limited.

$99 for 3 months

One 3 month payment

Your membership includes all of these benefits:
  • monthly techniques & art classes
  • monthly personal growth themes
  • monthly coaching topic & focus
  • monthly get togethers for fun & inspiration
  • Access to Michelle’s newest signature system The F’n Magickal System for Creating Changes
  • Energy care & mindset techniques
  • Guest teachers
  • Private Facebook group for community connections
  • Member discounts for private sessions with Michelle
  • and more because, hey, it’s yet to be created!😉
Plus, you get these bonuses free valued at $350…
  • Keep it Green in your Paint Pouring Practice Training
  • Let’s Bloom Baby Instructions and Supplies Guidance
  • Studio on the Go – Get it in the Box Challenge

Plus, if you act fast, the special price for a private session with Michelle, spots are limited.

Here’s what other lovelies have said . . .


I had really been feeling the need to explore my creativity again. I saw Michelle’s creations and it was an easy decision to take her course.  What I loved was that in the world we live in there is such a need to do things perfectly. Yet with this art style, there is no wrong.  It all works.  It allowed me to just truly play.  Michelle puts so much heart in everything she does.  If you want to explore your freedom and creativity, I encourage you to take Michelle’s courses. 

— Elena Stone, Owner and Founder at LightStone, and IT Trainer at McCarthy Tétrault


Soul Pours is just that way to help you learn to flow with ease through the creative process.  Michelle’s step-by-step teaching method provides just the right amount of instruction on how to do several Fluid Art styles.  Even via Zoom, Michelle creates a dynamic sacred space in which to not only learn and play in the practical aspects of the techniques,  but to also explore the spiritual side of Self in areas you may bump up against within yourself while mixing the cups of paint and doing the pours onto the canvas.  I love how Fluid Art demands that my perfectionist self can take a back seat so I can just play.  Pour on! 

— Leanne Keck, Founder & CEO @ Empower your Operations


How does the membership work?

Once you sign up with your chosen pathway you’ll be on a rolling month to month or 3 month membership. Being a member grants you access to everything that is offered in the LIVE membership as well as SPA club discounts on other courses Michelle offers and will surely create 😉

What is your refund policy? And what if I need to cancel my membership?

You have 14 days to decide if the club is right for you and can contact us for a full refund.  After 14 days, no refunds are given.

If you decide to stop your membership we ask for a 14 day notice before your next membership fees are due. *Do make a note though that your special offers or rate you signed up on, besides for ‘FLOWnders & affiliates’, will also be canceled. You can rejoin at any time but will be charged the current member rate.

Will I get any 1 to 1 time with Michelle?

Fore sure you’ll be getting much personable time with Michelle. However, private 1 to 1 art lessons, coaching, and mindset & energy work sessions are offered separately. But you do get a SPA member discount.

How do I know if fluid art is right for me if I’m curious but totally unexperienced?

Try a month out. Have a private class with Michelle first. Fluid art, like any another art form, isn’t for everybody and can be more difficult than some think.  But you know what? There are tons of techniques and forms within fluid art that we’ll be exploring. We’re all about creative mindset and creating newness! The Soul Circles and other non art experiences offered will be well worth the small amount for membership. If you aren’t sure, drop us an email and we can have a chat first.

I have fluid art experience – is this right for me?

We all have access to the bajillion free videos and teachers on Youtube and Facebook. In the SPA you get something unique and that no one else is offering as far as we know; art making and personal PLUS professional growth support. You’ll also have a place to try all the things as well as go deeper in some of the techniques you prefer.

What you won’t get, in full transparency, is creative competitiveness, drama, and obsession with one technique or style of fluid art. We love diversity and doing things imperfectly! The SPA is a totally inclusive and respectful place to play and explore freely. And yes, we will have ‘levels’ for some classes so that you can choose where you’re best suited to spend your time and supplies.

Will there be any extra costs (a.k.a. slimy marketing stuff?)

Slimy marketing? Oh hell no🤮😵‍💫.  Integrity is a core value of how Michelle aims to run her business and life. And yes, you may be offered chances to try a new course, another course, a product, or service sometimes. There will be guest teachers that are curated to teach and share their passions at the SPA who will have offers in their work that Michelle collaborates with from time to time. But no hard selling.

How do you protect members in the SPA when live from weirdos or hackers?

This is an important question these days. While we still are online (in person Soul Pours classes and retreats will be a thing when we can!) the membership is protected by a two factor authorization and other high performing security plugins. We’ll be on Zoom and in a private Facebook group when live. Michelle and her team monitors access and attendees. Even if a member who is legit but  may become disruptive or unsafe in any way will be kicked out and blocked with one and done policy.

Are we new to each other?

Why the heck should you listen to me? And who the flip am I anyway?

First off, heeeeey – how you doing Luv? My name is Michelle Wirta and I’m an artist & color, change, & creative alchemist.

I have worked with hundreds of souls & purpose seeking lovelies, helping them go from struggling with feeling disconnected, burnt out, and over sensitive, exhausted by their ambitions, perfectionism & purpose, and brilliant but feeling beyond reach ideas to feeling resilient AF, soul aligned, and expressing their unique creative self and success.

Work cred wise, I have a Masters in Counseling and Doctorate in Psychology, was a life coach trainer, am a serial creative entrepreneur, as well as work in helping others in their creative soul life & purpose dreams, with 30+ years in personal and professional growth and healing.

After 2020 changed us all I returned to my artistic, color loving, and magickal ways of my truest Self. Now I happily do & teach fluid art, do commission work, and help others learn how to flow through life transformations through their own powerful creativity and unique resiliency.

Pour yourself ALL IN to what makes you feel alive,

Michelle Wirta, Founder of Soul Pours and Soul Pours Academy

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Fast action bonus price ends soon..